
Showing posts from January, 2024

Module 4

 Part One: Educational Goals My goal in the CS program is to gain a well-rounded computer science skillset that will prepare me for a career as a software engineer. Looking at course descriptions for courses available within the program, and my own experience outside the classroom, I believe this goal is achievable. I also plan to complete at least one internship by the end of next summer. Based on conversations with recruiters, I've learned that internship experience will greatly increase my chances of obtaining a full-time position. Also, I see it as part of my education, since it would involve learning new skills that I can use towards a future career. I'm planning on applying to as many companies as possible and practicing questions related to data structures and algorithms. Part Two: Career Goals My career goals after graduation are to become a software engineer at a tech company. Once I become a software engineer, I plan to keep learning outside of work, brushing up on so

Module 3

OLI Summary: This week I learned about my work style within groups. I find it hard to define myself as one type of member, but I do try to be detailed-oriented and get a task done right when I can. But I alternate between getting it done right or getting it done fast, depending on what the situation calls for. I think the detriment to each style comes from being inflexible in light of other factors. Which approach I take depends on the deadline of a task, the difficulty, and the collective abilities of all members. Part 1 - Link to tips The strategy that needed the most improvement from last week was learning to schedule study time. For this week, I looked at study tips for time management. The best tips were learning how to prioritize, and how to combine several activities. I have noticed that grouping the right activities together makes it easier to finish similar tasks. I also need to prioritize the most important tasks and spend less time on those that are less important (or save t

Module 2

  OLI Reflection: In this week's OLI assignment (Module 2 within OLI), I learned about what makes a team effective. Surprisingly, it's not the intelligence or performance of each individual. In fact, a team of smart, experienced individuals can actually perform worse than a team of less talented individuals if the team members don't work together well. I was also surprised to hear that a group containing more than 50% female members will do better than a group having the same amount of female and male members. I would have guessed the group with equal numbers of both genders would do better, but as I reflect on my past work and college experience, I can see how a group in which women are the majority can perform better. When I was a member of such groups, women did seem quicker to detect when someone was reluctant to express an opinion, or when someone needed help but was afraid to ask. They also navigated conflict better in some scenarios. Part 1: Review and Reflect Learni

Module 1

 This week I learned about the university and department's history. It's refreshing see this highlighted in a course. I feel like often this type of information about an academic institution is often overlooked, or only briefly addressed in passing during orientations. The history of a campus can play an important role cementing its current values, and in fostering an academic community around it. I also was re-introduced to the topic of academic papers and the proper format for references. It's been a while since I wrote a paper for a course, and I found the review very useful and informative.