Module 3

OLI Summary:

This week I learned about my work style within groups. I find it hard to define myself as one type of member, but I do try to be detailed-oriented and get a task done right when I can. But I alternate between getting it done right or getting it done fast, depending on what the situation calls for. I think the detriment to each style comes from being inflexible in light of other factors. Which approach I take depends on the deadline of a task, the difficulty, and the collective abilities of all members.

Part 1 - Link to tips

The strategy that needed the most improvement from last week was learning to schedule study time. For this week, I looked at study tips for time management. The best tips were learning how to prioritize, and how to combine several activities. I have noticed that grouping the right activities together makes it easier to finish similar tasks. I also need to prioritize the most important tasks and spend less time on those that are less important (or save those until the end).

Part 2 - Reflection on Ethics

In module 3, we looked at ethics frameworks. It was interesting to learn about how different individuals can have different views on whether an act is ethical or unethical based on the framework they're using to examine it. In some ways, it explains conflicts throughout the world and even at home. Bot parties believe they're right, and based on their respective frameworks, both can be "right" at the same time.

Part 3 - Reflection on "What a Computer Science Major Needs to Know" link

The link provides good, concise information on topics every computer science major should at least explore. I feel a lot of these will be checked off just through our required coursework, but there's some additional topics there that we can learn on our own. I believe it was mentioned briefly, but it seems like Git is very important, not only for saving versions of our work, but also for communicating with teammates when we make changes to group projects.

Part 4 - Code of Integrity Reflections

I feel it's a good idea to have a written integrity code outlining the rules a student should follow within the program. We should all understand these rules inherently already, but it's good to make expectations clear right now so there are no misunderstandings later. I used to be a tutor and Rule 3 is definitely a good rule to have. I always tried to help students by guiding their thinking towards their own solutions, rather than doing any work for them. Not only was this approach more rewarding for the student, it was more rewarding for myself as the tutor, because I can tell students retained the information better that way.


  1. Hello Guillermo,
    You have very good tips for time management. It can be hard to keep up with many assignments in such a fast-paced program. As you mentioned, prioritization is the most important thing when managing your time. I would also suggest limiting distractions, as they can interfere with your tasks. Letting family members know that you will be busy is also really helpful to maintain focus in your studies.


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