Module 2

 OLI Reflection:

In this week's OLI assignment (Module 2 within OLI), I learned about what makes a team effective. Surprisingly, it's not the intelligence or performance of each individual. In fact, a team of smart, experienced individuals can actually perform worse than a team of less talented individuals if the team members don't work together well.

I was also surprised to hear that a group containing more than 50% female members will do better than a group having the same amount of female and male members. I would have guessed the group with equal numbers of both genders would do better, but as I reflect on my past work and college experience, I can see how a group in which women are the majority can perform better. When I was a member of such groups, women did seem quicker to detect when someone was reluctant to express an opinion, or when someone needed help but was afraid to ask. They also navigated conflict better in some scenarios.

Part 1: Review and Reflect Learning Strategy:

I feel of the strategies listed in the Effective Study Skills article, I'm best at reading, reciting, and reviewing. Practicing those three skills has helped me prepare for exams and retain information for future courses.

As far as skills that I need work on, I would say I could improve on schedule study time throughout the week better. I have a lot of random events that are important career-wise, but make it hard to schedule study sessions. For the same reason, I also have trouble making every session count. Sometimes I'm forced to schedule a session where I'm distracted by another task I have to fit in at the same time (or in the middle of the session) and it makes the study session less effective. I can also do a better job of creating outlines for my work.

Part 2: Preview Time Management Skills


Part 3: Project Management Basics

The first project management video went through an overview of the project management process. The second video went over how work is broken down within a project into phases. The third video went over Gantt charts, which are useful in visualizing the timing of several tasks at the same time.

Part 4: Check Out Previous Capstones

Still watching the 3-hour presentation (will update soon).

Part 5: Summarize Your Week and Your Learning Journal:

My main takeaway this week was getting acquainted with peer-reviewing other students' papers. I reviewed APA rules when writing my own paper, but had to go back and review some things (particularly proper in-text citations of sources). I also learned a great deal about time management, and I think that's something that can carry over into other courses and possibly the workplace.


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