Week 14

During week 14 I closed in finishing the Simkl integration. I created React components on the frontend. I added additional rate limits on requests sent form out app to Simkl's api to make sure we stayed within the limits outlined in Simkl's docs. I also pushed fixes to an earlier commit because their was a mismatch in the data we were expecting from a public API. I'm using Simkl's API to request our user's movie watchlist items and ratings (movies they rated within their Simkl account). I read through Simkl's docs again and realized I was pulling items into a response that we ddin't need. So I made a fix to an earlier commit.

The plan next week is to finish the Simkl integration and start work on the randomization feature for the playlist page.

No challenges at the moment. I had a Docker/permissions issue that didn't let me run the app locally for a while, but I was able to figure it out on my own and get that going again. No need for assistance at this time.


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