Week 11

This week during our group meeting, we decided to have Nathan work on the AI features (LlamaIndex, RAG, etc.). He has a head start with these technologies since he recently started working on something similar at work (he's a full-time software engineer). Duy and I will be working on integrations with external services, and other requested UI features.

I'll be working on the Simkl integration myself. Simkl is a service that helps users track what they're watching. It's fairly popular, and has an API that can help us synchronize our users data with data their Simkl account. Currently I started reading through Simkl's API and looking at existing integrations to see what I'll need to create to add this feature. I started writing some of the model fields we will need (to keep track of what movies are Simkl imports).

The plan for next week is to start coding on the rest.

No challenges coding wise, but my mom had surgery this week. She had mobility issues before so she'll require a lot of help for the next few weeks. No instructor assistance required at this time.


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