Wk07/08 Learning Journal Summary

 The Jotto assignment was really helpful in understanding Java classes, and testing Java code. I got to practice using built-in Java methods and writing and reading to files, which I don't often do. As far as approaching the assignment now versus then, I believe I would make use of design patterns I learned later in the course just to practice.

Two victories for me this semester are learning to build Android apps using Java, and using design patterns on an actual software app. I had been exposed to building Android apps with Kotlin, but it was rewarding to try it with Java since I've come across Kotlin code that makes reference to Java-specific language syntax or features. I also enjoyed learning about design patterns. It's useful to know about these patterns because I can apply them to other types of programming.

Three skills I improved were programming in Java, using interfaces for polymorphism (especially when classes implementing them are very different from each other), and selecting access modifiers to encapsulate my code properly.


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