Week 3: Jotto Code Review

Below are some thoughts regarding last week's Jotto assignment and code review:

  1. I worked with Luis Hernandez (I reviewed his code) and Edward Torres (he reviewed my code).

  2. Edward mentioned my code was well written and organized. Only suggestion was to include a header with comments at the beginning of the file. He mentioned he liked the way I used a hashmap for the getLetterCount method instead of a for loop.

  3. I would add more comments at the beginning. Also, I would rewrite some of the variable and method names so that less documentation is needed to explain what they hold/do.

  4. The hardest to pass was getLetterCount, but mostly because I didn’t notice the test was testing a word with capital letters (I was handling this elsewhere in the code).

  5. Looks like there needs to be a test for the guess() and play() methods. Between the two of them, they handle a lot of important functionality (or at least direct a lot of it).

  6. I wouldn’t say I struggled the most with understanding the expected functionality of the program before I started coding. It was hard to grasp initially because so many methods are interdependent with each other. But once I understood this, the coding went smoothly.

  7. My teammates all seemed to think getLetterCount was tricky to implement, particularly when it comes to counting letters that match multiple times.

  8. I’m most proud of my getLetterCount function because I used hashmaps to avoid using nested for loops. While the efficiency gained wouldn’t help much in this program (words are limited to 5 characters anyway), it was nice to find an O(n) solution.


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