Reflections on CodingBat Homework 2 from Week 1

 This week we had two light homework assignments through CodingBat. Completing the challenges was a fun way to get familiar with Java syntax. Before the start of this course, I've only had limited exposure to writing Java. Prior to starting the challenges in each section, I read through the recommended introduction to the topic.

As I read the instructions for each challenge, I tried to take a mental note of what I would need to solve the problem (specific syntax, built-in functions, loops, etc.). I felt that made it easier to start writing the syntax. When I was stuck, or part of my syntax resulted in an error message, I tried researching for the correct syntax, then tried to apply it to the challenge. 

In some instances, I tried using built-in methods from other languages to see if it was also present in Java. Oftentimes that didn't work initially, but it did give me a starting point towards finding the Java equivalent through Google and StackOverflow. Most challenges didn't take too many tries. Those that did, it was usually because of slight misspellings, which I was able to correct after reading through my code line by line.


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