Module 6

 Capstone Ideas:

We had several ideas from each group member.

Luis's three ideas were a musical instrument tuning app, a 2D game, and a database management program.

Edward had an idea for a seating chart application. He also suggested an education app that can function as an all-in-one program to replace many classroom applications (similar to Google Classroom).

Victoria had idea for an app to facilitate communication between teachers and parents, an idea for an app that lets the user know if a food item is toxic, and a fitness app that takes vitamins and medications into account. She also had an idea for an app that helps users form bookclubs.

My ideas were to create an app that transcribed audio music into sheet music, an app for air quality, or home pantry app that can scan items.

The ideas that stood out the most for me were the tuning app, the food toxicity app, and the seating chart app.

Weekly Journal Entry:

I've found the career guide referenced in this week's module to be quite helpful. I already had a resume ready, but it's always great to hear additional tips, reinforce existing job search practices, or to at least hear that I'm on the right track. I prepared a cover letter this week. Usually I don't apply to jobs with cover letters, with the exception of jobs with a lower amount of applicants, or in situations where I'll know for a fact that my application items will be reviewed by a hiring manager. It's good that we got to work on that, so that I can have a cover letter available for those instances. Our team has started working on our final presentation. We are currently in the process of recording our voices for a video.


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