Module 8
OLI Review:
This week we took a post test for the OLI material. I found it easier to identify conflict, and and to respond to it properly. Going through the post test questions, I understood why the material is so useful and applicable to team scenarios throughout the course. Luckily, I was assigned to a great team, and haven't had to use any of the conflict resolution methods mentioned in the OLI.
Part 1: Video Evaluations of Other Teams
Super4 Web Solutions Videos:
The topic is well covered and researched. Video production wasn't too bad for the quality expected, and the presentation was clear. I found the video interesting and all members appear to have planned their speaking parts well. Both videos are appropriate to their audiences.
Bit Of Otter Videos:
The topic is well covered and researched. Video production was good, with simple but clean presentation based on a slide presentation format. I found the video interesting and all members appear to have planned their speaking parts well. Both videos are appropriate for their intended audiences.
Otter Devs Videos:
The topic is well covered and researched. Video production was good, and the presentation was clear. I found the video interesting and all members appear to have planned their speaking parts well. Both videos are appropriate to their audiences.
Part 2: Keeping with My Learning Journal
This week we turned in our video presentations on BCI (brain-computer interface) technology. I believe my team collaborated well, and I enjoy our weekly scheduled team meetings. The meetings are always productive, and I enjoy talking with all members.
Professional Video
General Audience Video
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